Thursday, 12 October 2023

Confusing Group Rank With Word Rank

Martin & Doran (2023: 39, 40):
To this point in our discussion we have focused on structure, without looking carefully at the systems from which our structures derive. One systemic implication arising has to do with the need to distinguish two different types of recursive system — namely recursive systems giving rise to serial logical structures (whether paratactic or hypotactic) as opposed to recursive systems giving rise to iterating elements of experiential structure. 
For English EPITHESIS for example we need to distinguish between systems underpinning indefinitely extendable regressive grading complexes (a not much more glorious history) and systems underpinning multiple Epithets (their long glorious well-documented history). 
One possibility would be to retain standard SFL recursive system notation for paratactic and hypotactic series (e.g. the grading system in Figure 4 to generate not much more glorious history) and use an ‘ⁿ’ superscript on the relevant feature for experiential iteration (e.g. the [describedⁿ] option in Figure 4 to generate long glorious well-documented history). 
Formulated along these lines Figure 4 thus includes one non-recursive DEIXIS system (from which a single Deictic function can be derived), one recursive EPITHESIS system (from which multiple Epithets can be derived) and one recursive GRADING system (from which a hypotactic series can be derived).

Blogger Comments:

[1] To be clear, as previously demonstrated, the recursive systems that specify these iterative structures are at word rank, not group rank, and the structures are logical, word complexes, not experiential.

[2] To be clear, Figure 4 confuses systems at group rank that specify multivariate structures, with the systems at word rank that specify the univariate structures that realise submodification at group rank.

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