Monday, 18 September 2023

A Fundamental Problem With The Notion Of A Subjacency Duplex

Martin & Doran (2023: 32):
The α β# / #β α notation for duplexes has been selected to 
(i) capture the dependency relation involved (resonating with hypotaxis notation in SFL description) and 
(ii) to reflect the use of # to mark the beginning and end of elements of structure (in SFL realisation statements). 
Although it has a different meaning in formal linguistics (Chomsky 1973), the term subjacency nicely captures the sense in which duplexes involve adjacent elements with one element dependent on the other. To avoid confusion these structures (referred to as subjacency structures in Martin et al. 2021) can be termed ‘subjacency duplexes’ in SFL (following Rose 2021; Stosic 2021; Hao and Wang 2022; Doran and Bangga 2022).

Blogger Comments:

[1] It will be seen in later posts that this dependency notation is applied where no dependency relation obtains.

[2] As previously explained, the end of a logical structure is specified by the selection of the feature 'stop' in its recursive system.

[3] To be clear, in SFL Theory, a duplex is a two-unit complex, and all complexes are complexes of rank units (clause, group, word, morpheme). The authors' notion of a 'subjacency duplex' is not only inconsistent with the notion of complex, it provides no means of locating its system on the grammatical stratum, because units on the rank scale are the entry conditions for grammatical systems.

[4] To be clear, these are the works of Martin's former students, acting under his direction. 

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